New Memberships

Thank you for your interest in the Long Beach Casting Club. If you enjoy fly fishing, are conservation minded, practice sportsmanship and will share your talents for the good of the sport, you are welcome to join us. To become a member, first decide the membership type that best suits you, then click on the “SIGN UP” button below and submit the application form with your payment.

Membership Renewals

Current Members: the digital age is here, like it or not. Those of us sporting the wisdom of gray hair might scream and shout, but we have to accept the fact we’re in the 21st Century. So for this renewal year, we ask you take a few extra minutes and update your “SUBSCRIPTIONS” in your Membership Account. Click here


Individual Membership
$65 for 1 Year
Adult, 18 or over, participates in club activities: trips, meetings, classes, tasks and social. May vote, serve on committees, etc. Receives digital copy of monthly Target Talk Newsletter.
Individuals 18 years old as of today’s date.
Family Membership
$75 for 1 Year
Primary adult and spouse/significant other, children under 17 at same address. Participates in club activities: trips, meetings, classes, tasks and social. May vote, serve on committees, etc. Receives digital copy of monthly Target Talk Newsletter.
Enter name of spouse / significant other and children
Associate Membership
$35 for 1 Year
For those living more than 50 miles from the clubhouse; current members who become physically impaired and can no longer participate in activities; and corporate, commercial and small business proprietorships. Receives digital copy of monthly Target Talk Newsletter.
Individuals 18 years old as of today's date. Anyone who resides more than 50 miles from the Clubhouse measured along the shortest route.
Junior Membership
$10 for 1 Year
Youth only, 17 or under by April 1st. May participate in club activities: trips, meetings, classes, tasks, social and compete for junior trophies and awards. Receives digital copy of monthly Target Talk Newsletter.
Anyone less than 18 years old as of today's date.