
Long Beach Casting Club

Where Learning is Catching

Making better fly fishers for nearly 100 years

Long Beach Casting Club is the ideal place to learn or improve your fly-fishing skills. With a mission statement that begins with the word “educate,” our campus includes a lighted pond for evening casting, a state-of-the-art audio visual-equipped classroom, devoted instructors and decades of experience teaching fly tying, casting, rod building and other how-to seminars. It’s no wonder the Club has improved the skills of literally tens of thousands of fly fishers. You could be next.

2025 LBCC 100th Anniversary


It all starts in our clubhouse. This is where we hold meetings, classes and social events. It houses our library, office, classroom, kitchen, pantry, bathrooms and what we call the wet room, where boots and waders are stored when not in use on the pond. From here we plan casting tournaments, arrange fishing trips, hold board meetings, and prepare and serve our prime rib Venison Stag holiday dinner. Sometimes we teach, share knowledge and improve the skills of our members. Other times, we just hang on the porch and enjoy the solitude. It has a wonderful history and a meaningful purpose. We invite you to visit and see for yourself.

Links to Club Activities:

Nooner Lunch at Long Beach Casting Club

Long Beach Casting Club invites you to our Nooner Lunches

See the Menu of the Month for February 2025


What starts in the clubhouse, often spills over to include the pond. Fly fishing is all about casting and there is no better place to develop casting skills than a dedicated casting pond with certified instructors. We have more Master Certified Casting Instructors (11) than any other club, than any other state. And we have an additional 14 members who are FFF Certified Fly Casting Instructors. In essence, we teach those who teach others. The name of Long Beach Casting Club is well known among fly casters in every part of the country. Two of our members are American Casting Association Hall of Fame Honorees, while ten members have been All Americans.

Our pond is lighted for evening classes and is where beginners turn into good casters and good casters become excellent and excellent casters evolve into superb teachers. Because we have a pond, we can host local, regional and national tournaments. And because of the pond, beginners can improve faster.

Take a peek any time with our new web cam on the Club Pond.

See the video below:

Long Beach Casting Club

Fishing Awards

For those who are unaware, the following freshwater species are eligible for awards caught on a fly:

Also, largest saltwater fish caught by fly casting an artificial fly. Entry forms are available here or from the Recording Secretary and must be submitted within 30 days of the catch. Awards are presented yearly at the annual installation dinner.

Club fishing trips will be scheduled by the Second Vice President. Awards will be given for the largest fish caught by members between March 15 of each year and March 14 of the following year for the classes and conditions listed below. Fish caught on Club fishing trips and private trips are eligible. Each entry must be recorded on the proper Club form and submitted to the Recording Secretary within thirty days of catch. Forms may be obtained either from the Recording Secretary or click here. Each member may enter as many fish as he or she wishes, but no fish may win more than one award.

It is imperative that every fisherman observe:

  • To aid in the enforcement of fish and game laws and in the protection and propagation of game fish, and to that end assist in the promotion and maintenance of fishing preserves.
  • To promote an appreciation of and interest in scientific methods in angling and tournament casting, to encourage the use of sportsmanlike lures, and to discourage the use of unduly destructive lures and baits.
  • To promote the doctrine of a restricted catch regarding both size and number of fish taken.
  1. Award for largest Brook trout caught on a fly.
  2. Award for largest Brown trout caught on a fly.
  3. Award for largest Steelhead caught on a fly.
  4. Award for largest Rainbow trout caught on a fly.
  5. Award for largest Golden trout caught on a fly.
  6. Award for largest trout caught on a fly.
  7. Award for largest bass caught on a fly rod with an artificial lure with one hook.
  8. Award for largest Bluegill caught on an artificial lure.
  9. Award for largest Crappie caught on an artificial lure.
  10. Award for largest freshwater fish caught anywhere on anything.
  11. Award for largest trout or landlocked salmon caught in Oregon with standard fly fishing equipment and artificial fly.
  12. Award for largest fish caught by fly casting with standard fly fishing equipment and artificial fly.

Long Beach Casting Club

Target Talk Newsletter

LBCC is pleased to share its latest issue of our Target Talk newsletter with our guests.   It is a great source of helpful fishing tips, tricks and trips.   However, the years and years of back issues are reserved for our members.   For a membership application, please go to “Join the Club“.

Target Talk articles this month:

  • Monthly Meeting: Chris Leonard: Mammoth Fisheries Summer Trifecta – 2/27/2025 @7pm
  • Leader’s Line: Overwhelming Generosity to Celebrate 100 Years and the Spirit of LBCC
  • February Lower Owens Date Change! – 1/30/2025-2/2/2025
  • Fly Tying Forum February Schedule
  • Introduction to Fly Fishing – 2/8/2025 @1pm-4pm
  • Pre-Order …the official LBCC 100th Anniversary T-Shirt!
  • Monthly Casting Lessons Begin March 9
  • Sunday Fun Day Casting!
  • Annual Clubhouse Cleaning for the Venison Stag Holiday Dinner
  • “$100 for 100th Year” Anniversary Fundraiser: Thanks!
  • Your 2025 Nominating Committee and Club Officer Candidates
  • Southwestern Casting Tournament 2025 @LBCC – 2/14-2/16/2025
  • Fishing Back In Time: Tale of a Trip Gone Awry
  • December 1997 Leader’s Line
  • Save the Date: May 17, 2025 LBCC Birthday Celebration! 9am-4pm
  • New Hat Designs: 100th Anniversary
  • History of Long Beach Casting Club – Part Two
  • Steelhead Report and Restoration Cards are Due!
  • It’s Not too Early to Pay Your Dues!
  • Fly Tying Tip: Bracing For Delicate Work
  • Fly of the Month: Starling & Primrose Spider

NOTE: “Target Talk now includes links on advertisements and sponsor logos. Click on them and check them out!”

Everyone is

You do not have to be a member to participate
in most of our activities.

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