For a fly fishing club to thrive for nearly a Century is amazing feat. When you consider that same club is four or five hours from any significant trout stream, it borders on mind-boggling. With a membership of 500+, it becomes miraculous! It didn’t happen by accident. The second word in our mission statement is educate. We’ve been educating anglers — making them better fly fishers — for nearly one hundred years.  For free! That’s why our motto says Learning is Catching. The more you learn, the more you catch. The more you learn, the more you want to learn.  Learning is Catching. If that appeals to you, you can become of member of this venerable club by filling out the application form. Click Here


Board of Directors

Here are our leaders and a much-abbreviated look at their duties. These folks donate their time and talents to make our club one of the finest in the country.  Never hesitate to express your gratitude. 

Tom Olson
Tom OlsonPresident
Runs all Board meetings, decides tie votes and executes contracts. Also co-signs checks in conjunction with the treasurer. Biggest perk: leading one of the country’s most venerable fishing clubs.
Tony Daus
Tony Daus1st Vice President
Arranges the Club’s monthly speakers and chairs the Venison Stag, the Clubs most popular social event. Perk: getting to know some of the country’s most talented fishing experts.
Steve Timm
Steve Timm2nd Vice President
This VP oversees the Club fishing trips (assisted by multiple volunteer stream keepers). Perk: makes bucket list destinations actually happen.
Ed Alvarado
Ed AlvaradoTreasurer
Collects the dues, makes bank deposits, pays bills, signs checks and keeps tabs on checking, savings and endowment accounts. Perk: hearing every penny scream for mercy.
Craig Wiginton
Craig WigintonCorresponding Secretary
Takes accurate minutes of Board meetings, handles Club correspondence and notices to members. Perks: being one of the first to know about everything.
Shawn Fife
Shawn FifeMembership Secretary
Maintains membership records, welcomes new members, assists the treasurer in preparing annual dues billing and furnishes files for club roster. Perks: gets to know new members better than anyone.
Peter Hardash
Peter HardashFacilities and Pond Captain
Maintains the clubhouse and pond, supervises cleaning and stocks supplies. Perk: takes pride in a pristine facility renowned in the fly fishing community.
Mark Flo
Mark FloCasting and Recording Captain
Run Tournaments and contests, keep scores and accurate records, maintain club’s casting equipment. Perk: casting skills improve immensely.
Keith O Donnell
Keith O DonnellCasting and Recording Captain
Run Tournaments and contests, keep scores and accurate records, maintain club’s casting equipment. Perk: casting skills improve immensely.
Bob Mayfield
Bob MayfieldJr. Director
Advises president, makes board aware of past issues to avoid duplicating efforts. Provides corporate memory. Perk: savoring the best job on the board.
Steve Jones
Steve JonesSr. Director
Serves as advisor as needed. Shares the wisdom of experience and extended corporate memory. Perk: basks in wisdom.

Certified Casting Class Instructors

Joe Libeu and John VanDerhoof lead the Club’s casting programs and are supported by a team of Certified instructors, active tournament casters and graduates of the Teach-the-Teachers classes. The ratio of students to instructors is quite favorable with students receiving lots of one-on-one instruction.

Joe Libeu
Joe LibeuCertified Casting Club Instructor
John Van Derhoof
John Van DerhoofCertified Casting Club Instructor

Sharpen your flyfishing skills…

10% of fishermen catch 90% of the fish. Good casting helps your catch ratio enormously. LBCC is the ideal place to learn and/or improve your skills. Classes are free.

2023–2024 Committees

The Board of Directors serve one-year terms although most choose to continue more than one year. The Board is aided by committees which utilize member’s specific talents. There are ample opportunities for new members to get involved and contribute their own expertise. Volunteering is the fastest way to get connected and all it takes is a few short words, “I’m here to help”.

NOTE: If viewing on cellphone, use landscape mode.

Name of Committee Committee Members
American Casting Association Henry Mittel, Colin Kumabe, Mark Tsunawaki, Mark Flo
Advertising Jack Barber
Audio Visual / Technology Dan Oliver
Building Maintenance Peter Hardash (Chair), Steve Higashi, Norm Riggs
Business & Administrative Shirley Sakaguchi
Casting/Instruction/Clinics Mark Kocsis (Chair), John Van Derhoof, Joe Libeu, Mark Flo, Colin Kumabe
Club Roster Shawn Fife, Shirley Sakaguchi, John Van Derhoof
Conservation Steve Jackson, Eddie Madrid
Endowment Fund Rick Hilles (Chairperson), Ed Alvarado, Paul Burgner, Rich Garrett, Art Strauss, Mick Woodbury
Fishing Trips Steve Timm
Fly Fishing International & SW Council John Van Derhoof
Fly Tying Dan Oliver, Matt Murdough, Cecil O’Dell
Historian John Van Derhoof
Insurance Counselor Rick Hilles, Ed Alvarado
Kitchen Supplies Norm Riggs
Library Art Strauss
On the River Clinic Joe Libeu, Mark Flo, Colin Kumabe
On the Salt Clinic Kevin Green
Project Healing Waters Committee Cruz Ornelas, Terry Komisak
Publicity Mick Woodbury
Raffles Bruce Jeske, Paul Burgner, Shawn Fife
Records & Awards Mark Flo, Colin Kumabe, Tom Olson, Keith O’Donnell
Rod Building Eddie Madrid
Social Media Jack Barber
Sports Shows Steve Jackson
Sunshine Committee Joe Libeu, Dan Rivett, Mark Tsunawaki
Target Talk Rob Peterson, John Van Derhoof
Target Talk Mailings Mark Angelo
Trout in the Classroom TBD
Web Site Cece Rubin, Shirley Sakaguchi, Jack Barber
Woman Groups Kathy Kim, Anissa Iseda
Youth Liason Kathleen Wahl, Terry Komisak